Concert Voiid, goo à Paris le 21 mai 2024

Mardi 21 mai 2024


Supersonic Supersonic

Prix: Gratuit

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Plus d'infos sur le concert Voiid, goo à Paris

Cette soirée plaira aux fans de... Amyl and the Sniffers, Hole & The Chats

  • VOIID (22h30)

(Punk - Brisbane, AUS)

In a world full of injustice, inequality and ignorance, VOIID endeavour to lend a voice to those in need of it and as a band strive to their larger ambition of reinventing the role of female.

FFO / Si vous aimez : The Chats, Ramones, Amyl and the Sniffers 

  • GOO (21h30)

(Indie punk - Keighley, UK)

Weaving hooks that would sit well in a 90s grunge club with straight to the point songwriting and bags of get up and go.? - The Exchange News

Goo are an indie rock band from Keighley, West Yorkshire, UK. Starting life in 2020 as a way to keep their sanity throughout the covid-19 pandemic, they released their first single ?Underground or Overseas' to critical acclaim. Kieran Riley joined the band on bass, and they began touring around the UK with support slots with The Wytches and False Advertising. Two more self produced singles followed; ?FOMO' and ?Heck' which both received positive press; An effects-drenched, catchy, ever-evolving 90s indie-pop-rock wet dream with a nostalgic yet contemporary and fresh feeling.? - Shout Louder Magazine. Kieran left the band to pursue a career in 3D design and was replaced by Bryn Price of Box Jellys.

FFO / Si vous aimez : Pixies, The Beths, Pavement 

La suite de la programmation arrive très vite !

Mardi 21 Mai 2024

Entrée gratuite

- Ouverture des portes à 19h00


9 rue Biscornet, 75012 Paris

Métro Bastille (sortie rue de lyon)

Infos réservation :

Tél. 01 46 28 12 90 - Email.

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Tous les artistes de Voiid, goo

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