Concert Nicolas Mortelmans Quartet, Release Tour à Paris le 22 mai 2024

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Plus d'infos sur le concert Nicolas Mortelmans Quartet, Release Tour à Paris

Venez découvrir de l'indian fusion à la Dame de Canton !

On April 12, 2024, Nicolas Mortelmans will release his long-awaited debut album M?Y? on WERF Records! The common thread throughout the album is the sitar, an instrument that he learned in the traditional way from various sitar masters in India.

Since 2017 he has been trained by the world-famous Anoushka Shankar.

In every song he tries to approach this unique instrument in a different way.

With this album he builds a bridge between his love for Indian music and his roots in Western genres such as electronic, jazz and rock music.

Live he will play the album in quartet with:

Tarang Poddar (tabla/India)

Jonas Meersmans (guitar/be)

Greet Meert (tanpura/be)

Nicolas Mortelmans (sitar/be)

The concert will be indian music with some influences from rock, jazz & ambient.

The music will be meditative and explosive.

My name is Nicolas Mortelmans. I am a sitar player from Belgium & student of Anoushka Shankar (2017-2023).

On april 12th my sitar debut album will be released @ WERF Records and I will go on tour in Belgium and West Europe.

The record is a mix of Indian traditional music with influences from the west.

In every song I try to approach the instrument in a different way. With this album I try to build a bridge between my love for Indian music and my roots in Western music.

On the album are playing guest musicians from all over the world, for example Ravichandra Kulur from India ( oa Anoushka/Ravi Shankar, John McLaughlin, Aka Moon,..), Benny Bettane (Australia/handpan) & Belgian friends like Roland van Campenhout, Tim Vanhamel and Stef Kamil Carlens.

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Tous les artistes de Nicolas Mortelmans Quartet, Release Tour

  • Nicolas Mortelmans Quartet / Release Tour •

Les concerts à venir à Paris